
Sunday, 20 April 2014


I’ve been prolonging this post for as long as I can but it seems like all hope is gone. There are so many things in life that you can’t control and that ultimately suck. The thing is, I am supposed to be in Abu Dhabi right now, but unfortunately I am most definitely not there. The plan was to get back from Edinburgh on Friday April 11, then leave for Abu Dhabi on the Tuesday, but that all changed. It began on Thursday when my exchange partner, Virginie, and me were still in Edinburgh, she started feeling a little sick and was worried to fly home the next day, but we had to go home, so we got on the plane. Throughout the whole flight she was vomiting and could barely hold it together, but in spite of this we both got home in one piece. Once we were home in was quite evident that this wasn’t just your average flu, after a trip to the doctor we found out that Virginie had Mono. According to the doctor it was the worst case of Mono she had ever seen in her whole career. With this information the trip to Abu Dhabi was up in the air, but Virginie’s parents were hopeful that we would still be able to leave on Tuesday, but as the day approached it became evident that Virginie would not be able to fly. With this news her parents were still hopefully and planned that we would fly out on Friday instead. But again, as time went by the realization hit everyone that we would indeed not be going anywhere anytime soon. Missing the trip is understandable and with good reason, but that doesn’t stop the disappointment. In all honesty, I don’t think I have every seen someone as sick as Virginie was, I mean she could barely move and couldn’t sleep at all. It was a really hard situation; I felt so bad for Virginie, who looked like she was on her death bed, but at the same time I was super frustrated that I would be missing a once in a life time vacation, however these things happen and sometimes life sucks. Thankfully, a week after getting back from Edinburgh, Virginie is finally starting to recover and get back to herself, although she still can’t do much of anything and the doctors say she wont be fully recovered for a couple weeks. It really sucks that we weren’t able to go but I just have to keep reminding myself that going to Abu Dhabi wasn’t the reason I came on this exchange and I just have to make the best out of this unfortunate situation.

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